Ford Transit vs. Mercedes-Benz Sprinter: The Ultimate Van Showdown for Overlanding

Mercedes-Benz Sprinter

Ford Transit

When it comes to choosing the ideal van for overland upfitting, the Ford Transit and the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter are two top contenders. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and the right choice for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. But let’s take a look into the details, and don’t worry, we’ll be sharing our complete honest opinions.


The Mercedes-Benz Sprinter is the name on everyone's lips. Regardless of the actual make, many people refer to any large van as a "Sprinter." This recognition isn't unwarranted—the Sprinter is a popular choice for good reasons. 


- Brand Recognition: The Sprinter is well-known and respected in the van community.

- Comfort: It offers a comfortable ride with a Euro-inspired design.

- Modern Features: Equipped with the latest technology and safety features.

- Resilience: Known for its durability and robustness.


- Customer Service: Dealing with Mercedes-Benz can be challenging. The customer service experience is often subpar, which can be frustrating, especially when dealing with maintenance issues like replacing a diesel filter. Although, there are some wonderful people at Mercedes, we know this well from our local dealerships.

- Cost: The premium branding comes with a higher price tag.


The Ford Transit, while perhaps not as immediately recognizable as the Sprinter, is a formidable contender in the overland market. We think it can be extremely underrated for all it has to offer.


- Comfort: Designed with American tastes in mind, the Transit offers a comfortable and spacious interior.

- Infotainment: The information and touchscreen setup is intuitive and user-friendly.

- Value: The Transit offers great features and reliability at a more affordable price.


- Design Flaws: The van's design, particularly the sloping forehead, limits roof and interior space.

- Ground Clearance: Despite over-engineering, achieving good ground clearance is difficult, even with aftermarket lifts. The new 'Trail' version highlights this limitation.

- Availability: Long lead times for delivery can be a downside for those needing a van quickly.

Making the Choice: Mercedes Sprinter or Ford Transit?

Deciding between the Ford Transit and the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter is a personal choice and can depend on various factors:

- Personal Connections: Sometimes, the decision might come down to relationships, such as who you know at the local dealership.

- Aesthetics: Which van's design do you prefer?

- Test Drive: Always take both for a test drive to see which feels right for you.

- Salesperson Discussions: Speak with salespeople to get a better understanding of each van's features and benefits.

- Expert Advice: Give us a call for personalized advice and referrals.

In the end, both the Ford Transit and the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter are excellent choices for overland upfitting. Your decision should be based on what matters most to you—whether it's brand prestige, interior comfort, technological features, or overall value. Whichever you choose, you can't go wrong.

Start exploring your options by giving us a call today!

Sara Taylor